
X-Men: The Animated Series on VHS. Episodes: Night Of The Sentinels Part 1 & 2 and Days Of Future Past Part 1 & 2. Starring Cedric Smith, Cathal J. Dodd, Norm Spencer, Iona Morris. Directors: Larry Houston and Richard Bowman. 1992.

X-Men: The Animated Series on VHS. Episodes: Night Of The Sentinels Part 1 & 2 and Days Of Future Past Part 1 & 2. Starring Cedric Smith, Cathal J. Dodd, Norm Spencer, Iona Morris. Directors: Larry Houston and Richard Bowman. 1992.

Days Of Future Past Part 1 & 2

Part 1: Word of a future where mutants are hunted down and terminated by murderous sentinels, leads the X-Men and a time-traveling bounty hunter, Bishop, to Washington D.C. to prevent the murder of Senator Kelly.

Part 2: Convinced Gambit is the assassin, Bishop and the X-Men find themselves battling who they assume to be Gambit’s new allies, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Night Of The Sentinels Part 1 & 2

Part 1: When a pretty young mutant named Jubilee is attacked in a shopping mall by huge search-and-destroy robots known as Sentinels, Rogue, Storm and Gambit unleash all their X-Men powers to rescue her. With Professor Xavier’s help, the X-Men discover that the Sentinel assault is part of a sinister program to exterminate all mutants!

Part 2: In order to protect a sinister plot to track and eliminate all mutants from succeeding, the X-Men break into the Mutant Registration Office to destroy the files. But, Beast is apprehended while trying to escape. Gyrich and Trask, the renegades responsible for the Sentinels, kidnap Jubilee, hoping she can lead them to the rest of the X-Men.

DVD Upgrade: X-Men: Volume One (Marvel DVD Comic Book Collection)

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