Fade To Black

Fade to Black VHS cover art. Movie starring Dennis Christopher. With Tim Thomerson, Gwynne Gilford, Norman Burton, Linda Kerridge, Morgan Paull, James Luisi, Eve Brent, Mickey Rourke. Directed by Vernon Zimmerman. 1980.

Fade to Black on VHS. Starring Dennis Christopher. With Tim Thomerson, Gwynne Gilford, Norman Burton, Linda Kerridge, Morgan Paull, James Luisi, Eve Brent, Mickey Rourke. Directed by Vernon Zimmerman. 1980.

From the box:

Eric Binford delivers film cassettes and supplies in Los Angeles, but exists only to see movies and immerse himself in trivia and fantasies about cinematic characters and stars. Frequently bullied and betrayed, Eric is gripped by homicidal rage and launches a series of grotesque murders, all patterned after characters and incidents from his beloved movies.

DVD Upgrade: Fade to Black

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