APEX — Advanced Prototype EXtermination Unit

APEX -- Advanced Prototype EXtermination Unit VHS cover art. Time-travel sci-fi action movie starring Richard Keats, Mitchell Cox, Lisa Ann Russell, Marcus Aurelius. Directed by Phillip J. Roth. 1994.

APEX — Advanced Prototype EXtermination Unit on VHS. Starring Richard Keats, Mitchell Cox, Lisa Ann Russell, Marcus Aurelius. Directed by Phillip J. Roth. 1994.

From the box:

Trapped In A Future They Didn’t Create. Fighting An Enemy They Cannot Stop.

“…a cut above most time-travel cyborg thrillers.” — Seattle Times

The year: 2073. The place: Los Angeles. A rip in the fabric of time plunges the world into a cybernetic holocaust that only one man can stop in this futuristic action-adventure. Dr. Nicholas Sinclair (Richard Keats), leads an elite team of scientists in a robotic time-travel project utilizing computerized Advanced Prototype EXtermination units to shuttle back-and-forth from the present to the past. But when a routine experiment goes radically wrong, Sinclair himself is thrown through time into a parallel “time paradox” and finds himself in an altered 2073 — a world devastated by disease and decimated by terminator APEX units. Now he must lead a team of futuristic commandos in a desperate maneuver to reverse the timeline paradox and reshape the future in this explosive high-tech tale of a world gone mad.

Not Readily Available On DVD. Replace: Apex [VHS]

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