The Day Of The Triffids

The Day of the Triffids on VHS. Starring Howard Keel, Kieron Moore, Janette Scott, Nicole Maurey. Based on the novel by John Wyndham. Directed by Steve Sekely. 1962.

The Day of the Triffids on VHS. Starring Howard Keel, Kieron Moore, Janette Scott, Nicole Maurey. Based on the novel by John Wyndham. Directed by Steve Sekely. 1962.

From the VHS cover:

BEWARE THE TRIFFIDS… they grow…know…walk…stalk… and KILL!

Stay inside and lock the doors for The Day Of The Triffids is coming! For reasons unexplained by science, hundreds of meteorites begin to fall to Earth and blind those who witness the phenomenon. The few who retain their sight are horrified to encounter dandelion-like fluff known as triffids. These triffids multiply and grow into man-eating plants that begin to march on civilization, destroying everyone in their path. Join four survivors of the terrifying onslaught of triffids as they search for a means of destroying the menacing plants.

DVD upgrade: The Day of the Triffids

Read the book: The Day of the Triffids (20th Century Rediscoveries)

Get your own triffid: Medicom Karz Works: History Monster Triffid Sofubi Action Figure

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