The Razor: The Snare

The Razor: The Snare on VHS. Starring Katsu Shintaro (Zatoichi), Sato Kei, Nishimura Akira, Kurosawa Toshio, Ineno Kazuko. Directed by Masamura Yasuzo. 1973.

The Razor: The Snare on VHS. Starring Katsu Shintaro, Sato Kei, Nishimura Akira, Kurosawa Toshio, Ineno Kazuko. Directed by Masamura Yasuzo. 1973.

From the VHS box cover:

Hanzo “Razor” Itami is an unusual cop with unusual skills, not the least of which is his uncanny ability to ferret out criminals using his “unique” interrogation methods on female prisoners.

While investigating the death of a girl during an illegal abortion, Hanzo sniffs out an orgy of wealthy perverts at a convent run by a priestess named Nyokaini. After the priestess is introduced to “THE LONGEST ARM OF THE LAW” she rats out Lord Okubo, the Shogunate Treasurer, who is minting debased coinage (and keeping the “extra” for himself). Okubo is also behind most of the prostitution in Edo. Meanwhile, Hanzo learns of a planned raid on the mint by a gang of cutthroats and sets up “house” with the beautiful widow (Riki) who runs the mint.

In a blazing bloodbath of slaughter, the “Razor” foils the raid and arrests the survivors. Lord Okubo offers a reward and Hanzo names it… [spoilers]

DVD upgrade: Hanzo The Snare

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