The Adventures Of Pluto Nash

The Adventures of Pluto Nash VHS cover art. Movie starring Eddie Murphy. With Randy Quaid, Rosario Dawson, Joe Pantoliano, Jay Mohr, Luis Guzmán, Peter Boyle, Pam Grier, John Cleese, Alec Baldwin. Directed by Ron Underwood. 2002.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash on VHS. Starring Eddie Murphy. With Randy Quaid, Rosario Dawson, Joe Pantoliano, Jay Mohr, Luis Guzmán, Peter Boyle, Pam Grier, John Cleese, Alec Baldwin. Directed by Ron Underwood. 2002.

From the box:

The Man On The Moon

The year is 2087 and the future isn’t what it used to be now that mobsters (including Joe Pantoliano) are putting the squeeze on Club Pluto, the nightclub Nash runs. But audacious Pluto isn’t ready to kiss his assets goodbye. With the help of his robo-bodyguard (Randy Quaid), an aspiring singer (Rosario Dawson), his heat-packin’ ma (Pam Grier), a schnook-turned-superstar entertainer (Jay Mohr) and more, Pluto’s going to blast the mob into orbit.

DVD Upgrade: The Adventures of Pluto Nash

The Hunt For Red October

The Hunt For Red October VHS cover art. Movie starring Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin. With Scott Glenn, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones, Gates McFadden, Tim Curry. Directed by John McTiernan. From a Tom Clancy novel. 1990.

The Hunt For Red October on VHS. Starring Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin. With Scott Glenn, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones, Gates McFadden, Tim Curry. Directed by John McTiernan. From a Tom Clancy novel. 1990.

From the box:

A new, technologically-superior Soviet nuclear sub, the Red October, is heading for the U.S. coast under the command of Captain Marko Ramius (Sean Connery). The American government think Ramius is planning to attack. A lone CIA analyst (Alec Baldwin) has a different idea: he thinks Ramius is planning to defect, but he has only a few hours to find him and prove it–because the entire Russian naval and air commands are trying to find him, too. The hunt is on!

DVD Upgrade: The Hunt for Red October

Read The Novel: The Hunt for Red October (Jack Ryan)